Monday, June 17, 2013

Happy Father's Day

So Father's Day didn't go exactly how we planned when we finally figured out what we wanted to do with the boys. After Daddy's fast emergency call and breakfast, we decided on a movie at Chunky's, because the maniacs would be free (under 4) and dads got free admission AND a bag of popcorn. It would have cost us $5.75, without any food or drinks. And we were using it as a test for when Monsters University and Despicable Me 2 come out.

So after a fast shower (thanks for pointing out my crazy hair, Daddy) we got the bag packed, the boys dressed and in the car, and flew to Pelham, because obviously we were almost late. Got there, got the boys in the carriage, and halfway across the parking lot Daddy decided to check for his wallet. Of course, that was home on the dresser. I, of course, didn't have anything but my license, because I was with Daddy, my personal debit card.

All we could do was high-five, while saying, "best parents ever," and turn around to go back to the car. Then we had to find a Stop and Shop with a Citizens Bank, so we could withdraw enough money to get gas, and a much needed at this point, coffee.

We ended up at a park and the best boys had a blast. Dizzy actually screamed his way out of it, which isn't really something he does.

To be honest it didn't matter what we did, or where we did it, to celebrate the day. I know whether it's a day in June or the middle of winter, the best boys love their dad and he loves them. Their little faces light up when they see him come in the door after a day at work. They want hugs and smiles and high-fives no matter how smelly. Daddy doesn't care how tired he is, he always gets down to their eye level to give them a smile and a big hug and a "how's your day, bud?" He asks them questions and even though he doesn't get an answer yet, he always waits. To me that's the best part. He shows them how important they are to him, by giving them that time to answer, whether they use it or not.

So, Happy Father's Day to the most amazing, loving, caring daddy these boys ever had. Thanks for being so awesome.


  1. Oh how I love this family! Happy Fathers Day Ben!

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  3. Hi Christina! Welcome to my crazy life 😉 I will definitely check out your site!! Thanks for following!!
