Wednesday, May 28, 2014

There's something strange going on around here...

It's not a hidden, deep dark, secret that kids are little weirdos, or anything, but mine reach levels of weird, that really make me question who I hang out with all day. Because they're really, very weird.

Like take Baduka, he has all sorts of strange going on. Some from autism, some from just being related to me (I totally understand his need to lick Tide Laundry Pods,) but his hatred of cuts and scabs is getting awkward. He picks scabs off, because he hates them, but that just creates new scabs. It's a neverending process. Goodness forbid, I have a blemish of my own. Then there was today. The other day Dizzy fell while holding a toy, and scratched a 2ish inch booboo onto his temple. They sat next to each other in the wagon at the grocery store. While I was dragging them around behind me, Baduka picked the scab off of it. Dizzy never said a word, or made a noise. Which means HE LET HIM. Why?!

Speaking of Dizzy, he spent 2 hours today wearing a t-shirt as pants. Seriously. Legs in the arm holes. Lost his mind when it fell down. It got to the point that I actually, pegged the waist, around his waist, to help it stay up. Which means I'm an enabler. I encourage the weird. And why? Because every time I said, "Want real pants?" He looked like he might cry, and answered back, with a lingering, "No". Who am I to judge his fashion sense? I haven't changed my shirt in 2 days.

And then there's our friend, the New Kid. He's found his own friend, the Penis, or PeePee, as he introduces it EVERY TIME I change his diaper. He then introduces whatever is around him, to his PeePee. Books, matchbox cars, puzzle pieces, cereal...

Sometimes I think they do these things so I question my own sanity. If it continues, should I crochet my own straitjacket?

Friday, May 23, 2014

Mom, Mom, Mom

I'm that mom today, that just wishes someone would listen to her when she says anything.

I'm that mom today, that just wishes she had a clone specially made for sleeping for both of us.

I'm that mom today, that heard "Mom" being screeched, screamed, moaned, yelled, and whispered too many times, and now wishes her name was Bob.

I'm that mom today, that yelled in the car for one of her kids to just stop saying mom for no reason. And then when that kid at a red light said it one last time with the saddest little face, then pointed to the front seat and said, "raroo" her heart broke into a bajillion pieces, because the whole time he was saying it, this time today, was because he wanted to hold his brother's kangaroo for the ride. It's not his fault he doesn't know many words, and the one word he has perfected is supposed to get the attention of the one person who knows what he always wants and needs. And he worked so hard to find the real word that would get him what he needed to take the ride. Because his mom was too tired to know this time.

I'm that mom today, that drove all the way to the faraway Target, because they have a drive through Starbucks in the parking lot and 2 of the kids are car napping, and it's finally quiet enough, to actually think. And what am I thinking about? How bad I feel for being so tired today that I wish my name was Bob.

I'm that mom today, that forgot to appreciate how amazing it is to actually be a mom.

Friday, May 9, 2014

highlight reel

It's been a long week here, some crazy, some exhausting, some ugh. Here's some awesome though--

* Dizzy has talked soooo much! By himself! Things like, "ouch that hurts!" "Need pants!" "Look a bird!" He amazes me too. It's like he finally realized words get you things. Like hugs, and kisses, and high fives. Important stuff to a kid who's favorite thing is clapping.  Enthusiastically. For everything.

* The New Kid woke up crying. So I said, "(Baduka) let's go see what's wrong..." He ran in to the bedroom, and said, "What happened? Are you okay?" And hugged him! The New Kid obviously didn't realize the awesomeness of the situation so he kicked him, but still!

* We got a Nabi 2 Tablet, to try and use better communication tools with Baduka. Fingers crossed we figure it out. He spent a few hours playing games on it, getting used to it. Best part? He didn't lose his mind when I took it away. Huge deal in this house.

* The New Kid farted on my lap, looked up with a shocked face, said, "I faaahhht!" And chuckled so hard he farted again.

*The texts from Daddy that said, he cashed his check at a bank next to a liquor store, so he already bought the wine.

This is the life.