Tuesday, October 28, 2014

kids, the weirdest people I know...

This morning I got Baduka up for school. During getting him dressed I did my normal yell/singing for the other two to "wake up, wake up, wherever you arrrrreeeee!" and "Olly, Olly oxen freeeeee!" It took a couple rounds, but the New Kid stumbled out, all adorably rumpled. And while I was changing him I yell/sang a few more rounds for Dizzy. Nothing worked. He didn't want any part of waking up this morning.

So I did what every good mother does in this situation.

Said I was leaving without him.

He jumped out of bed, ran to get changed, mumbly crybabying the whole way. In my head I yell/sang "Tricked ya, again!" And went to change his diaper.

It was dry.

And in what can only be explained, probably completely illogically by a 3 year old, Dizzy burst into tears. He was actually horribly upset he DIDN'T PEE HIS PANTS. Seriously, he was so sad/mad/upset he kept crying, and trying to get me to change him. I kept trying to tell him he didn't pee yet. He was determined though, so I used my tricks. I asked if he wanted to use the potty, nope. I tickled him, nope. I rubbed his back, nope.

So I did what every good mother does in this situation.

I left him there crying, and put the other two in the car.

And wouldn't you know it? I tricked him again. The fear of being left dry and alone, made him pee his pants. Someone smiled his whole way to the car.