Monday, September 16, 2013

the real first day of school

Last Monday was the Official First Day of school for Baduka, but I feel like today actually is since he won't be dismissed at 11 and it's back to the usual 1:30. Early dismissal is the most annoying thing. By the time I get everyone up, dressed, car seated, to school, and back, it's 10:30 and I'm doing it all over again. I got not a single thing accomplished last week, well except for Friday, when I managed to kill my altinator (alternater?) (I don't know, I'm a girl, ha) in the Dunkin Donuts drive-thru. Such a fantastic experience. Daddy and Nana to the rescue, because I was legit having a panic attack at the thought of being late for pick-up.

When Baduka started school last year, I was so sad to have him gone all day, now I'm sitting outside of the school a half hour early, because he is driving me insane. All summer break long I feel like the only things I did with him were, chase him down the hallway and out of the kitchen. The kid cannot be entertained or contained. I really wonder how school accomplishes it, because I've seen the classroom. We own the same toys, we have practically the same number of kids. Are they also running down the hallway 47 times a day yelling, "Get back here!" "You're driving me bananas!" "Stop climbing everything!" "It's official, I'm drinking dinner!" ??

If that's the case, maybe I should start sending weekly, Thank You For Putting Up With My Maniac presents. Do liquor stores sell gift cards?

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Therapeutic French Toast?

I've been doing the Special K diet, you know the one on the back of the box? I'm not crazy strict about it, just during the week instead of eating pancakes and grilled cheese with the boys, I eat 3/4 cup of cereal and 1/2 cup of milk. Ha. Today has been an exception.

The boys slept in which is great for me, not so great for the pajamas and bedsheets. As I was changing one kid after the other, the cat was making that god awful, I'm gonna vomit sound that she has perfected. I literally threw kids out of the way to get her outside.

She puked on the porch. The stupid, gross dog ate it. Then while I was back putting clothes on kids, he pooped in the sandbox. Then came in the house and puked the cat puke on the living room floor.

I had to gather all the children into their room and lock the door, while I cleaned up the mess, because I know they have no grossness, don't touch that boundaries. They weren't happy. Neither was I, if we're being honest.

So yes, after that disgusting morning, I broke my weekday diet. These two pieces of Coconut French Toast that have been begging me to eat them from the freezer, were a delightful, well deserved moment in my day.

It really is the strangest things that save your sanity when you're a stay at home mom.