Thursday, September 5, 2013

Therapeutic French Toast?

I've been doing the Special K diet, you know the one on the back of the box? I'm not crazy strict about it, just during the week instead of eating pancakes and grilled cheese with the boys, I eat 3/4 cup of cereal and 1/2 cup of milk. Ha. Today has been an exception.

The boys slept in which is great for me, not so great for the pajamas and bedsheets. As I was changing one kid after the other, the cat was making that god awful, I'm gonna vomit sound that she has perfected. I literally threw kids out of the way to get her outside.

She puked on the porch. The stupid, gross dog ate it. Then while I was back putting clothes on kids, he pooped in the sandbox. Then came in the house and puked the cat puke on the living room floor.

I had to gather all the children into their room and lock the door, while I cleaned up the mess, because I know they have no grossness, don't touch that boundaries. They weren't happy. Neither was I, if we're being honest.

So yes, after that disgusting morning, I broke my weekday diet. These two pieces of Coconut French Toast that have been begging me to eat them from the freezer, were a delightful, well deserved moment in my day.

It really is the strangest things that save your sanity when you're a stay at home mom.

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