Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Can't be good at everything...

I've decided something. I mean, I pretty much already knew this, but I've decided to put it in writing. I am TERRIBLE at potty training. I'm willing to be okay with this, because really? I'm pretty okay at a lot of other things.

My reasons? Well, Baduka is 4, Dizzy is almost 3 (Sunday,) and the New Kid is a year and a half. None of them want to pee in the potty. We've tried.

With ABA at home, they tried with Baduka for 2 weeks. He wore underpants. They had Spiderman and Pixar characters, to get him excited, Excited! He was so excited by this process, he peed everywhere, but the potty. Toys, books, my leg. At school he would pull down his pants, and twiddle his favorite toy, while walking with his pants around his ankles. We're back to diapers.

Dizzy convinced me to buy a potty at Target a few weeks ago. It was the Royal Prince version, and the box had a Try Me button, to hear the magical sounds it makes when a kid finally pees in the bowl. The whole time in the carriage they pressed that button, we got home, and they fought over pressing that button. I told them that if they peed in the potty, and put their poops in there, it would play that as a very fancy, "Yay! You did it!" They don't care, they took the music maker out from under the bowl, and promptly fought over who got to press it next. That Royal Potty now lives in our dark end of the hallway, because no one wants to sit on it, and I have no idea where the sound maker went.

In the bathroom we have one of those put on the adult seat, child seats, that hangs on the side of the bowl. They never get on it right though, and if you try to squish them back a little, they think you're attempting to flush them down the toilet, and cling to your arms for dear life. But anyway... Sometimes during tubby time they'll put it on the seat, and pretend to want to use it, but they don't. This morning though I had hope. I took Dizzy's diaper off and he had just a tiny spot of pee, and I knew he had more, so I brought him in the bathroom. He said, "potty?" I said, "yeah, let's put your pee in it!" He sat down, smiled, looked around, and peed straight across the seat, and all over my leg. Said, "all done, potty!" Got up, and walked out of the bathroom.  He then turned around, said, "potty!" And peed all over the floor.

I believe me, and my peed on pants, are throwing in the pee soaked towels. Diapers for life.

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