Thursday, December 12, 2013


Since it's been a while, here's a list of things I love:

* The extra sleepy cuddle I had with Baduka today.

* The "no,no,no" moaning Dizzy does every morning I need to wake him up, to bring Baduka to school.

* The super happy smile the New Kid gave me, when I put the visor down, and slid the extra plastic, blocks the rear view mirror, but it's worth stopping the screaming, because the sun is so bright, piece over, and he could open his eyes again, on the way to school.

* Taking a shower, and not hearing one cry, and nothing was broken when I got out. Amazing. No clean pajama pants, so I'm wearing jeans, but still, a silent shower when the kids are awake is unheard of.

* The cup of tea Daddy makes me at night, without me asking, so I can truly be the old lady, we all know I am. This yarn won't crochet itself, you know.

* The goofy ways Dizzy falls asleep at night.

* The butt wiggling dance they all do when they are happy.

* How rearranging furniture can make your shoebox feel like a whole new world.

* When you do a gigantic house clean, and two days later it's still pretty much awesome, so you can justify being lazy, even if a new person is coming over in 5 hours.

That last one tells you that even if I'm wearing jeans today, doesn't mean I'm doing anything productive.

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