Monday, January 5, 2015

sweet relief of a school day

Finally, Christmas vacation has ended. I swear this was maybe the longest one ever. It wasn't bad, there weren't any injuries, not too many fights. It was just neverending. Even Baduka asked about school on Friday.

But the one that hated it the most, was Dizzy. He couldn't have taken one more day. I don't blame him, Baduka is a bit hard to get along with, sometimes, when it comes to TV.

Our TV has an automatic YouTube button. And it's Baduka's favorite button, ever. He spends hours if he can, watching whatever he finds interesting. Which isn't interesting for anyone else that lives here.

At one point last week, he went to put something on, and Dizzy stood in front of the TV, with his feet set, his angry eyebrows on, arms going, repeating, "NOOO MORE!"

I was right there with him. For real YouTube people? Who's idea was it to make videos of you playing video games? And swearing during the Monsters Inc one? Or opening chocolate surprise eggs? Why is that a thing? And old happy meal toys? That's what you choose to do with your time? Where do you even get enough material for these cinematic masterpieces?? And I hope you know YouTube video creators, it's mostly my kid who's been your viewer.

So anyway, today when the alarm went off, it was a bit of a relief. The New Kid and Baduka, got up with pretty much no problem, but Dizzy was taking his sweet time. I kept telling him he had to get up, we had to get changed, hurry,hurry,hurry. Nothing.

Know what shot that kid out of bed?? Telling him he had control of the TV when we got home from dropping off Baduka.

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