Sunday, June 1, 2014


Things I know to be true:

* Sometimes a coat of paint is all you need.

* Boys are gross.

* When a kid with a speech delay spends months with early intervention, and you're the one that helps him the most, and he wakes up one day, says, "hi" to your good morning, and then when you go to hug him, he says, "I pooped." Well, that right there, is the best. No matter, how gross.

* Three boys in diapers means pretty much poop all day. It never ends.

* Being married to someone who knows when to save the last bite of a perfect sandwich for you, laughs at all your dirty, inappropriate jokes, doesn't make fun of the piece of hair that hasn't stayed in place for 2 days, and knows how to mix the perfect drink, is like winning the lottery.

* Making lunch while the kids are in the other room, leaving you alone for a few silent minutes, but being "supervised" by their dad, so you don't have to panic at every noise, is like a mini vacation. And on that vacation, if you choose to still hide under the snack shelf, and inhale cheese balls, who can really judge you?

There's probably a lot more that I know, but this is good enough for now.

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