Thursday, March 6, 2014

because, I'm the mother, that's why.

At least once a day I can be heard saying, "why did I have kids?!" This is usually after I have to clean up something gross, or prevent a choking incident, or chase one of them down the hallway. If I didn't have kids, I'd be working everyday. Possibly drinking more, or less, depending on the day. And maybe I would have thought I was happy, but I wouldn't have been.

These kids are the true highlight of my every moment.

Without them I wouldn't laugh at ridiculous things, like last night when I went in to their room to do the final tuck in, and laughed the hardest I did all day when I got to the New Kid's bed. He fell asleep with a 2 foot, foam covered, Curious George baseball bat shoved down his feeties. Even in his sleep he looked relieved that I pulled it out.

Or the other night I had to run over to RiteAid to get toothbrushes. Dizzy saw me put my jacket on, so he put on his boots, the wrong feet-- but still, and grabbed his jacket. I had no choice, he was coming. He also grabbed a hat and a backpack. As we walked in to the store he waved and smiled at everyone. He gave the random security guard a thumbs up. It was like he'd never been out of the house before. He marched up and down every aisle with the most excitement you can possibly have. When I said, "people are gonna think you're crazy!" He looked at me, brought his finger to his lips, and said, "shhhh," then smiled and kept marching.

Last week I was in the kitchen with Dizzy and the New Kid, when Baduka came in crying. He climbed up on my lap, and I asked, "what's wrong, bud?" He held up his foot, looked at me, and said, "my foot! My foot is soooo sad!" In the most pathetic voice ever. He stepped on a toy.

They are so crazy and obnoxious, but when a movie is on Baduka and Dizzy sit as close to cuddling, as two maniacs can be. When the New Kid wakes up from a nap, Dizzy says hi with a kiss. Baduka made sure to hold Dizzy's hand the other day until his teacher came out, because Dizzy didn't want him to go to school. There was also kisses and hugs, and a few tears, from me.

These best boys of mine drive me crazy, make me laugh, make me cry, say "Momma!" 3 trillion times a day, throw their food on the floor, torture the dog, the cat, themselves, make messes, and love me almost as much as I love them. Because I will always love them more.

So, "why did I have kids?!", because without them, I'd miss all this.

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