What an emotional roller coaster week around here. Baduka turned 3 on Sunday, New Kid turned 6 months today, Dizzy got his first "whiffle", Baduka has his first practice day of school tomorrow. I will have my first open sob on a playground, since probably elementary school, so that should be exciting.
I really can't believe sometimes that I've been a mom for 3 years. It flew by, and most days are so crazy, I barely know what happened. I decided that I would try to remember some things I've learned up to this point, so in no particular order, here goes:
* Babies are cute and cuddly and gross. Seriously, we have had more poop explosions than you even know.
* Once you decide to do something once, you better be ready to commit to doing it 1,000 times, because BABIES FORGET NOTHING! Seriously, you think they don't pay much attention, but let them play with your phone, just that one time in the grocery store, and all of a sudden they have more apps than you do.
* Baduka has learned to climb in, out, over, and under everything made to prevent escape. Babies are made of Houdini and Spiderman.
* Once they know, you know, they love a certain food, it becomes disgusting and they MUST fling it or feed it to the dog. Fingers crossed peanut butter never enters this territory or the best boys will starve to death.
* When you first get pregnant, and someone throws you a baby shower, don't register for anything besides diapers and wipes. Seriously, I still have a bottle warmer and a baby food puree-er somewhere in the box. Babies aren't that complicated. Or materialistic.
* Don't forget to stay friends with Daddy. Put the kids away at night with enough time to watch your favorite show and drink a drink.
* When you put them in for a nap or bedtime, and you hear every toy from the toybox finally not being thrown off the top bunk, and you think "yeah, they're totally dreaming by now," they're usually not. We fall for it every night when we go in to turn off the lights and check blankets. Baduka usually pops his adorable little head out from the blankets and turns the light back on, and Dizzy follows me out to watch House reruns.
* They think everything is a game. I don't even bother yelling at them for the most part. Because they laugh hysterically. And I guess the things they do at 3, 2, and 6 months isn't serious enough for yelling anyway, so just have fun instead. Yell when they are old.
* When they are doing something to drive you absolutely insane, is also when they usually surprise you with a sloppy kiss. Dizzy is famous for this. Its usually followed by a headbutt that makes you say bad words.
* Take LOTS of pictures. They change by the day and you don't want to forget. Looking back at the pictures in my phone, sometimes I'm shocked by how different they were just last week.
* Everyday, while giving them a big hug, I whisper in their ear, "you're my favorite, don't tell the others." I like to think that someday they will remember it and know how much I love them.
* Watching your babies grow is the saddest and bestest thing you'll ever experience. They are crazy, and cute, and do things that make you wonder how you haven't lost your mind yet, but you look at their little faces, and fall more in love every single time.
As you can see I haven't learned much, but I got some time.
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