Friday, April 11, 2014


Wednesdays are tough days for Baduka. He is home from school, and it takes a lot to try and figure out what he wants to do. So he usually spends the day climbing, crying, screaming, opening, closing, jumping, running, falling, and hitting. It's exhausting, and sometimes when Daddy gets home, he asks questions like, "What happened to his eye?!" I answer with things like, "No clue, pour me a drink." That was this Wednesday.

We then thought we needed to cut his hair. It was long, in his eyes, and he was twisting the back into bald spots and knots. That was 20 minutes of screaming and sweating. But he looks so very handsome. Long pieces and all.

Thursday when I picked him up from school, one of his teachers asked if I cut his hair for a medical reason. Umm, huh?

At one point during the day, while he was putting his puzzles together, he burst out yelling, "X-RAY! X-RAY!" Over and over. They had no explanation for it, no one was bugging him, no one was near him.

His teacher then said, "We figured between the patchy hair, and the black eye, you took him for an MRI."

I'm pretty sure these are normal conversations in everyone's household, right?

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