Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Ahh, kids. The joy, the happiness, the repeated question of, "why did I have so many?!" Because according to Daddy, we have almost the perfect number for our Snow Removal Team. I say almost, because he wanted more. I hate pregnant and love wine. I won.

Anyway, watching these demons everyday cracks me up, usually after the crazy stops, because I can't lie, in some precious moments I want to scream.

Like the way they cry with the same intensity whether they get pushed over, drop a toy, don't get fruit snacks, need a nap, etc. I can't wait to see their reactions to truly sad things like the emotional roller-coaster known as Series Finales, and the all too short life cycle of a Seasonal Beverage. Think they'll take their blankie and go to their room, as Dizzy now does, when he's mad?

Or how changing a poopy diaper is the absolute last thing on their To-Do list and how dare we stop them from raising H-E-L-L, to clean their buttcheeks?! They'll sure show us how much they hate the process too, by making it wayyyy longer than it needs to be by making us chase them, tackle them to the floor, while they squirm, kick and twist, yelling "No!No!NO!!" Did that three times today. Baduka was on the verge of overflowing, but my goodness, could it have not waited til AFTER he climbed the bookcase?? Jeez.

But then there really are the moments that you realize this is why you had them. The goodnight kisses, the couch cuddles, the new things they do that make them look like miniature grown ups. The way the New Kid walks around with a hat on all day, because he likes it. The sense of pride Baduka has when he "reads" a new book. The way Dizzy will blow raspberries on the New Kid, because it makes them both laugh. Those are the times I thank goodness I got Daddy to move across the country for us.

Without him, my life might have been boring, quiet, and "clean". And you guys would have nothing to read about.

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