I'm not sure what kind of trickery this is, and what Autism plans on doing next, but this week has been full of Baduka surprises...
* he taught the dog to fetch. The dog has seriously never chased a ball in his life. And he would only drop it for Baduka.
* Baduka, king of never changing without a fight, hates new things, wants the same old same old, SWITCHED CUPS WITHOUT DEHYDRATING FIRST. This has never happened in 5 years. He uses the same style cup, til the company redesigns them, and I panic, and yell in the cup section, and hope, and pray I can find something else that's comparable. Then we wait til he gives in, and finally takes a sip, and realizes he's not poisoned, and I finally breathe again.
* he's been reading Bear In Underwear. Today he pulled on a pair of too small, Oscar the Grouch underpants, declared them to be a "perfect fit!" And laid on the Yogibo. I brought him to the bathroom a few times, nothing. Then I forgot about it, made some coffee, and tried to remember what not being tired was like. I heard the bathroom door open, and expected to hear The New Kid doing something obnoxious, but instead heard peeing. Baduka didn't pee on the Yogibo. He only slightly peed his Oscar's. So he asked for new underpants. I offered an Elmo butt. He said, "spider butt, please!" Cutest Spiderman butt I've ever seen.
So yeah, not sure what you're up to Autism, maybe you can whisper winning lottery numbers in his ear next. We could use a million bucks.