Sitting here while the maniacs and Daddy are still sleeping, waiting for cupcakes to finish baking, I figured I'd catch up on the week...
Nothing too crazy happened for the most part, Baduka did spend all of yesterday naked trying to "hide" under blankets. I really don't know how to keep that boy dressed haha. We had a school meeting since he will be starting in April and they asked us to describe him... it went something like this:
"He likes to be naked... Good Luck."
"He plays with his poop... Good Luck."
"He climbs EVERYTHING... Good Luck."
"He doesn't have a sense of fear... Good Luck."
It continued on in much that same way for a few minutes. So, that should be exciting, hahaha. He's lucky he's cute.
To get over the fact that my baby is going to school at the so small age of 3, I thought drinking a bottle of Skinny Girl Sangria would be the best idea ever. My head this morning disagrees, but I did kick Daddy's butt in Scrabble, so it must not have affected me too much. Ahhh, Friday nights sure have changed...